How KION Group Designed and Rolled Out a Job Architecture in Only 3 Months

"All data was continuously uploaded into Workday by a seamless integration – all COLMEIA services are very safe and reliable."
KION Group

Critical priority

Design a global job architecture, roll it out and map 36,000 employees worldwide in three months. Make sure that it improves career planning, allows centralized planning, and keeps local flexibility.

Initial situation

KION Group worked with structured job families but lacked a common understanding of levels and grades.

The ongoing implementation of Workday created time constraints.But it didn’t limit the need for a unified and coherent structure down to the job level.

A job architecture would be the solution, but it had to be designed, agreed upon, and implemented fast.

This would ensure working in a unified structure and increasing the value of their new HCM software.

How we helped

Apply COLMEIA’s industry-specific standard job catalog and Level of WorkMatrix© to quickly structure seniorities and responsibilities.

Support 150 HRBPs to map existing jobs to the structure in 3 weeks.

Support 150 HRBPs to map 36.000 employees worldwide in an iterative process, each time improving the job catalog itself and the assignments.

Guarantee that the objective of improved career planning capabilities and global coherence is being respected at every step.


With support from COLMEIA, KION Group:

  • Created a high-quality global job architecture adapted to their specific business and expectations
  • Mapped 36.000 employees in only two months
  • Provided structured data for direct upload to their Workday implementation team - on time for the go-live date.